Your one-stop software solution for simple

CBAM Compliance

You can use kolum to easily take care of all things CBAM. Automatically classify your imports, connect with and request emission data from your manufacturers, create your quarterly CBAM reports and keep an overview of your carbon costs.

kolum app
kolum app

Make your organisation CBAM ready

You can use kolum to manage your whole organisation in one place. Create and manage sub companies with separate EORI number and assign users with different access rights. Create transparency across your organization and streamline all processes efficiently.

Automatically classify your CBAM Imports

kolum helps you in automatically classifying your imports along the CBAM relevant data points. Let us guide you through it step by step or bulk upload your imports and let kolum do the rest. Super convenient, fully compliant.

kolum app
kolum app

Request Actual Emission Data from your Manufacturers

With kolum you can very easily request emission and production data from your manufacturers. Simply select the good you need data for and send a request. Your manufacturer is guided through the calculation method step by step and can share the correct CBAM data with you afterwards. Easy and quick.

Create your quarterly CBAM Reports

Create your quarterly CBAM report with one click at the end of each quarter. Ready for submission at the EU Portal. No more manually adding import data, complete your CBAM reporting in seconds instead of days.

kolum app

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